* Keynote Presentations * * How to Become Your Very Best * It May Take a Village, but Someone Has to Drive the First Nail | Donnie lives by the motto; "Go hard or go home" we must strive to be at our very best each and every day. * Why I Love Social Media * * * |
Your Attitude Equals Your Altitude A great attitude is something every person can choose to have and keep, and Donnie reveals his secrets for how to stay positive in every situation. All things being equal, attitude is the winning factor -- and even with things not being equal, it still wins out every time! That's the power of a positive attitude. In life, you tend to get what you focus on, so if you're always looking for the good in things, that's what you'll get; if you focus on bad things, you'll get those instead. Donnie's a big believer in staying positive, and you'll learn his secrets for keeping a positive attitude, no matter what challenges life throws your way. | |||
How to Become Your Very Best Earl Nightingale said: "The biggest mistake we can make is to believe that we are working for somebody else. Job security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Remember: Jobs are owned by the company, but we own our career!" Donnie understands this point of view and puts it into old-fashioned, plain English for his audiences. In this motivating talk, he reveals three great secrets to becoming your very best, whether in your company, home, civic group, or for personal image building. These timeless principles will help anyone jumpstart their career, and are great for new employees and students who want to improve their life or grades to get to the top. | |||
It May Take a Village, but Someone Has to Drive the First Nail One of the things that weighs us down as parents is the burden we place on our shoulders in terms of both teaching our children and taking care of them. In traditional societies, adults often do not seek to teach anything to their children, but instead let children approach them to learn, when they are curious or ready. Donnie thinks that we make things difficult for ourselves when we expect our children to learn valuable life lessons from their school, church, coach, neighbors or even other family members -- when it is up to us as parents to teach our children. This inspiring talk shows how to set the tone for your children, rather than leaving it to somebody else. | |||
Why I Love Social Media Social Media is here to stay, so why not capitalize on it? Donnie Bolena uses social media to meet people, gain business, make friends -- and even meet face-to-face on occasion, and not just across the keyboard. "I do it for leads to get new business," he says. "It's about all of us helping each other." In this 60-minute presentation, Donnie shows how Social Media can become beneficial to you and your business. As a Facebook, Twitter and Linked-In junkie, Donnie is always meeting people so he can share new things, learn, and grow. Social Media is a good thing, and Donnie most certainly believes we should embrace it; after all we've embraced cell phones, cable TV, computers and the Internet. | |||
Life's Not a Sprint ─ It’s a Marathon We live in an age of instant everything: instant e-mail, instant messaging, instant meals. It's real easy for the adrenaline rush of convenience to begin to nestle its way into our lives. Is it any wonder we feel we must sprint each and every day so we can stay out in front of the bill collector? If you begin to feel the “instant-everything” rush or panic, I encourage you take a moment to declare, either aloud or to yourself, “Stop! I want off this crazy ride, and I want off right now!" Donnie has a few tips he uses to keep up with the hustle and bustle of everyday "sprinting," and he has slowed himself down to an enjoyable jog. In this presentation, he shares some gentle reminders to help you go from sprinting to training for the marathon that we all call LIFE. | |||
Great Leaders Know How to Say "No" Believe it or not, at one time Donnie Bolena was a teenager, and he was also a college student! One of the hardest things that Donnie had to deal with when he was younger was telling his friends and family NO. Well, the truth is that by learning to say “no,” although you might feel that others will feel hurt or offended (and it’s possible), you are also sending a strong message that you value your time, that you have priorities, and that you also respect the person to whom you’re saying no, because you don’t want to commit to something you don’t want to do. In his talks to young people, Donnie teaches that it's OK to say no if you're feeling pressured, and he gives helpful hints on dealing with pressure and saying no. | |||
A Child's Definition of Love is spelled: TIME Donnie Bolena is the father of three children, the oldest brother of four children, and the oldest grandson of 14 children. Throughout his childhood, teenage and college experiences, Donnie found that the greatest gift he ever received from his parents was their time. There's no substitute for time, and Donnie truly understands that love to a child is spelled T-I-M-E. He really enjoys this topic, as it is very personal to him, and he delivers this talk with passion and purpose. This is one of Donnie’s best speeches and very impactful and powerful for all parents to hear. | |||
Life Coaching with Donnie Bolena"The greatest obstacle we have to over come is not having the ability to win, but to have the defiance to never quit no matter the outcome." Donnie Bolena Donnie Bolena is super as a life coach. Donnie feels his Life Coach profession is profoundly different from consulting, mentoring, advice, therapy, or counseling. Donnie’s coaching process addresses specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client's personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be. |