Thursday, July 17, 2014


Recently, I was told an amazing truth about what really happened on that Dreadful September 11, 2012 day in the Benghazi attacks on the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. I was troubled to learn the very next day, the sitting President “Barack Hussien Obama”, not only stood by and did nothing, but he went out on the campaign trail to run for his second term. After, hearing this amazing truth, I decided to do my very own personal investigation, and this is what I learned. 

 I am actually excited to share with you the “truth” not the “Hillary Clinton” truth, not the Obama Truth, but the real truth, the facts. The “Truth” of what really happened on September 11, 2012.  The journalist in me is a question asker, and a reader. I am always digging to find the truth in any story that I investigate. I was amazed at how what I personally read painted me a very vivid picture of the terrible12 hours of this horrifying event and the slaughter of three America Men who served our country. 

What troubled me more is that I learned of The General “Carter Ham” in charge who was ordered by “Hillary Clinton” to stand down. Westmoreland, said the CIA security contractors loaded into two vehicles, with weapons ready, the moment they heard the radio call for help from the diplomatic building. Some wanted to rush to the U.S. compound roughly a mile away, and their agitation grew as they heard increasing panic when the diplomats reported the militants were setting the compound on fire. At least one of those security contractors, a former U.S. Army Ranger, was told to “wait” at least twice, and he argued with his security team leader, according to his testimony, related by Westmoreland. Westmoreland declined to share the names of the officers who testified because they are still CIA employees.

 We need to have an answer of when the secretary of defense had assets that he could have begun spinning up. Why there was not one order given to turn on one Department of Defense asset? I have my suspicions, which is Secretary Clinton told Leon Panetta to stand down, and we all heard about the stand-down order for two military personnel. Now the White House, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, who lies to the American People every day says that is not entirely true. They were told not to get off the airplane and kind of stand by, and they’re going to characterize it wasn’t stand down. But when we’re done with Benghazi, the real question is, was there a stand-down order to Leon Panetta or did he just not do his job? Was there a stand-down order from the President who said he told them to use their resources and they didn’t use them?  Those questions have to be answered. Here is what doesn’t make since to me. The American Elite Fighting Military is a Brotherhood; they are always willing and ready to fight for their country. So why would they even consider to ever stand down when they are loaded up with loaded weapons and ready to go and defend the American Embassy? 

 The information I learned was that “General Ham” as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready. General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it; he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.  Navy Rear Admiral, former commander of the USS John Stennis Strike Group, Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette was also mysteriously relieved of duty, and all the brass will say is he "under investigation" for, get this, "inappropriate leadership judgment."  Just another way of saying that the admiral dared differ with the Administration's Libya Policy and perhaps openly defied Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.


I read about the repeated orders to the men at the CIA annex to stand down and do nothing? Thank God two of them, Hero’s in their own right, “Glenn Doherty” and “Ty Woods”, lived up to their code of honor and ran to the sound of the guns, resulting in their loss of life but the preservation of life for others, their fellow Americans. I also learned about the proximity of the staging area of the attack to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, and the attackers were indeed Ansar al-Sharia, a group affiliated with al-Qaida. I came to understand why Ambassador “Chris Stevens” who was drug dead through the streets of Benghazi Libya, was over there in the first place and that he had in fact requested better security but was denied? The question is, by whom? I learned that the Martyrs of 17 February Brigade were in charge of security and were the ones who opened the gates, then fled. I learned there are those who are being threatened with their pensions being cut off by the President Himself and “Hillary Clinton”, if they come forth to speak up. I learned that there was a covert weapons scheme going on in Libya, Benghazi. We had been supplying radical Islamists with weapons against Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi, effectively supplying the enemy and destabilizing that country. 

They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it.” Hicks told congressional investigators that if the U.S. had quickly sent a military aircraft over Benghazi, it might have saved American lives. The U.S. Souda Bay Naval Base is an hour’s flight from Libya. Hicks remembers Gibson saying: “I have never been so embarrassed in my life that a State Department officer has bigger balls than somebody in the military.” Benghazi and the operations in Libya are shrouded in a fog of lies, deceit, manipulation, threats, intimidation, coercion, abandonment, and worst of all, potentially treason.

 No, it was not about a kidnapping scheme, it was about something I learned as I researched further. The fact is this will make Iran-Contra look like Romper Room. The web of lies spun is coming apart, and all other committee hearings on this matter should be shut down. The House has established a Select Committee quite telling that the same has not been done in the Senate and those involved, including the President, who MUST appear before Rep. Finally. O an by the way, the father of Navy SEAL “Tyrone Woods”, who was also murdered in Benghazi told the Media, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, who failed to report the entire truth; said this was my son, he wasn’t even there. He was at a safe house about a mile away.  He got the distress call. He heard them crying for help and he took off with “Glenn Doherty” on their own will to help save other Americans. 


That’s why he and Glenn got killed; they both risked their lives to go that extra mile just to take care of the situation. I’m sure that they were not the only one that received that distress call: “Come save our lives.” When I learned that there’s a very good chance that the White House as well as other members of the military knew what was going on, and obviously someone had to say, “Don’t go rescue them.” Because every person in the military, their first response is, “We’re going to go rescue them. 


 Now, All Americans deserve and are entitled the right to the truth, to find out who it was that gave that command. After learning all of this truth, I would say to those Liberals in charge and the Liberal lying Media and the Democrats appointed to the committee; if you seek to obstruct the revelation of the truth, you are complicit and guilty as well, and that my friends is Obstruction of Justice, and Treason, an impeachable offense. I was saddened to have learned the truth, however at least I and those of you who read these facts, will be on the right side of history. True Story ~ Donnie Bolena