Wednesday, January 14, 2015


On my bucket list, is to get to sit down and have a real debate head to head with Al Sharpton. I dream of the day to get on any live TV show with this Thugaboo and go toe to toe with him so I could expose him to the world. The Donnie Bolena vs Al Sharpton debate, not the Ass kissing libratard Matt Lauer hand holding Al Sharpton Interview. I would make him squirm and uncomfortable and force him to answer my questions. I am sure it is no secret to all of my family, friends, fans, and readers on how I personally feel about Al Sharpton and the entire so called Black movement hypocrisy that Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Louis Farrakhan, have been trying to ignite since the 1960’s, and yet we still see that the over whelming majority of Americans continue to see these Thugaboo (Half Thug-Half Jigaboo) fools for exactly what they are. “IIA”’s (“Ignorance In Action”).  
Let’s start with the “TWO NYC COPS WHO WERE ASSASSINATED BY BLACK THUGABOOS”; Sharpton’s, DeBlasio’s And Obama’s Race War Turns to Killing Cops in Cold Blood. The Killer was quoted at Tweeting  “I’m putting wings on pigs today”  The NY cop killer shot his girlfriend then BRAGGED on Instagram about what he was going to get revenge for Eric Garner and Mike Brown before launching the deadly attack and finally killing himself. This is the thugaboo who shot dead two police officers in a sickening act of revenge for the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.  Maybe I can give at least one of you who read this some real insight on who AL Sharpton really is? By the time I am done with this article, the truth will be told, and you will see that Al Sharpton is nothing more than a crook, a thief, a murder, a drug dealer, media whore, and most of all, a common thug who belongs to be in prison just like the rest of the crooks in this country.

I am in shock that someone in law enforcement and the DA’s office in Manhattan/NYC will not take a stand and bring charges against Al Sharpton for enticing riots and at least 2nd or 3rd degree murder of the slain police officers. Sharpton is the PIG who created all of this murder and hate. Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, 28, shot his former girlfriend in Baltimore County, Maryland, at 5.45am on Saturday morning then travelled 190 miles to Brooklyn, New York. There, he fired a fatal round of bullets at recently-married officer Wenjian Liu and father-of-one Rafael Ramos before turning the gun on himself. Witnesses said Brinsley walked out of a home with a gun in his hand at 2.47pm, crept up behind the officers’ patrol car, and systematically shot both men in the head through the passenger window. He then walked to the Myrtle/Willoughby G train subway station where he shot himself in the head. It came two hours after he posted a picture of a gun on Instagram with the chilling message: ‘I’m Putting Wings On Pigs Today. They Take 1 Of Ours. ‘Let’s Take 2 of theirs Shoot The Police #RIP Eriv Gardner (sic) #RIP Mike Brown. This May Be My Final Post. I’m Putting Pigs In A Blanket.’ Tragically, Baltimore police had tried to apprehend Brinsley by alerting the NYPD after his morning shooting but by the time a wanted flyer was issued, his attack was already under way.
The so called Rev. Al Sharpton is using the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri to promote him-self rather than trying to solve problems, said two fill-in hosts Wednesday on Fox News Channel's discussion show "The Five." Juan Williams, sitting in the "liberal" chair usually occupied by Bob Beckel, said Sharpton never shows up early to try to defuse situations, but only shows up afterward to try to stoke the flames and feed his own needs. Radio host David Webb, sitting in for Eric Bolling, agreed.  "It's more than self-serving," Webb said. "Michael Brown is his new Tawana Brawley."  Williams protested that the Tawana Brawley case was a "total lie," but Webb explained he meant that Sharpton used the situation in both cases. "This is what he's doing with Michael Brown.  His relevance has now been brought back," Webb said.  Sharpton's national profile was raised in 1987 when he became involved in the Tawana Brawley case. Then-15-year-old Brawley claimed she had been held captive and raped by several white men, including a New York prosecutor and police officers. A grand jury determined that Brawley had made up the story.  Recent criticism of Sharpton has included Princeton University professor Cornel West, who said during at event at Miami Dade College on Monday: "I don't need to be center stage. Trying to tell that to Bro. Al Sharpton, you know?  So Happy New Year; Now do yourself and your company a favor and fire the man identified by Mediaite as really ”the most powerful man in America.”  Who would that be, as described here, exactly? “Outside of the president, Al Sharpton might possibly be the most powerful man in America right now.” Mediaite’s Joe Concha made the point of Sharpton’s power these days by measuring with four “power indicators” that illustrated just what gives a man infamous for his race card playing his clout. In brief, they were:

1) Sharpton’s access to the White House;

2) a “nobody owns him” factor that was verified using a Quinnipiac poll that gives Sharpton a 69% favorable rating by New York City’s African-Americans as their leader, beating out President Obama and Congressman Charlie Rangel;

3) Sharpton has a full hour-long television show on Comcast/NBC’s cable news MSNBC giving him a five-day-a-week media platform;

And drumroll, please?  Power Indicator number 4

4) is that “Unlike the rest of us, he’s excused from paying taxes.” The latter point stunningly correct, Sharpton’s massive unpaid tax bills clearly one big no-never-mind to even the president himself.
But to the point here the most important indicator of Sharpton’s power, as noted by Concha with what seems to be unerring accuracy, is Power Indicator # 3, Sharpton’s hour-long nightly show on MSNBC. Not only is Sharpton a lousy, painful-to-watch TV host, his ratings are somewhere below the cellar, losing his time slot regularly and worse than badly to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and, of course, to Fox’s Bret Baier. Yet there is not a hint that Sharpton’s show will get the axe from the network.  And why might that be? In Concha’s perceptive words; “So if the ratings are bad and the delivery even worse, why and how does Sharpton still have a program on the air? Answer: Because Comcast and NBC and this is just an educated guess must be petrified to fire him (by, yes, the race card being turned against them). Remember, Sharpton gave his crucial blessing to the Comcast/NBC Universal merger a few years back. Not long after, he was magically given his own show at 6:00 p.m. on MSNBC.  Reciprocity at its finest.”

Wow. Not since President Woodrow Wilson used the White House to showcase the film Birth of a Nation has such a stark reveal existed between progressive leaders, their media camp followers, and their joint and constant need to play the race card use out and out racism for everything from getting votes to ratings or audience support. But surely somebody has to wonder whether Comcast/NBC will now allow themselves to be portrayed as the network that gives TV hosting duties to a man accused by no less than a former New York City police commissioner (among others) of having blood on his hands after the killing of two New York City policemen in the wake of the Eric Garner grand jury decision. Specifically, former Commissioner Bernard Kerik lumped Sharpton specifically in with New York Mayor de Blasio when he said of the assassinations of the two NYPD cops: "De Blasio, Sharpton and all those who encouraged this anti-cop, racist mentality all have blood on their hands. They have blood on their hands.” As noted, this business of progressives handing media power to out-and-out racists is not new. Birth of a Nation is an eerie arly 20th century counterpart to Sharpton’s presence on a 21st century cable news  show. For those who came in late, the film was based on Thomas Dixon Jr.’s 1905 novel The Clansman: An Historic Romance of the Ku Klux Klan. The plot involved the demonizing of black Americans in the most racist of terms. The rising young ( and anti-black) movie director D.W.Griffith loved the book and rounded up the money to buy the rights and get it turned into a film. When the film came out there were, surprise, sharp protests in, among other cities, New York and Boston.  How to get around this? Dixon called on an old friend - fellow progressive and racist Woodrow Wilson, by 1915 in his third year as President of the United States and, like Barack Obama today, the point man in the progressive urge to transform America. Wilson happily showcased the film at the White House, giving the racist Dixon’s story massive favorable publicity. The film grossed $18 million, a bonanza in the day.
In turn, Birth of a Nation was said to have played a role in launching a serious revival of the Ku Klux Klan. An Atlanta newspaper ran an advertisement for the film right next to a recruiting ad for the Klan. Within six years a hundred thousand Klansmen had signed up for what was called the “Invisible Empire” - the tone set by the film and President Wilson’s endorsement effectively launching years of Klan violence. In other words, this marriage of media to racism was a potent cocktail. In today’s world, Sharpton is the race card player, aided and abetted not just by a Wilson-like progressive in the White House. Comcast/NBC is playing the role of D.W.Griffith, showcasing the race-card playing Sharpton five nights a week on its air, lousy ratings be damned. And just as the Griffith film was said to have inspired the re-birth and violence of the Klan, so too, as witness that charge from former Commissioner Kerik,  is Sharpton being blamed (and not just by Kerik) for setting the tone that has now resulted in what the current NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton calls the outright “assassination” of the two New York cops.
The media question here is as simple as it is blunt. Comcast is rapidly gaining the reputation as a network that is allowing a man with “blood on his hands” the blood of two policemen to be showcased five nights a week on their airtime. Is this really a smart idea for a media company that is looking to do all manner of deals in the media world? With Time-Warner and who knows who else? Or perhaps the real question is why this company continues, D.W.Griffith-style, to allow itself to be used to propagate not just racial hatred but hatred of the police. A hatred that, as mentioned, has now killed two cops. Is this the reputation Comcast/NBC really wants? Isn’t anybody - anybody? - over at NBC embarrassed at a minimum and horrified at a maximum that the network of Huntley and Brinkley, John Chancellor and Tom Brokaw, not to mention today’s Brian Williams and Matt Lauer - are sanctioning a man with a reputation as, in the words of former NYPD Commissioner Kerick having an “anti-cop, racist mentality." One of the regular features on Me-TV, an entertainment network devoted to showing old Baby Boomer-era television shows, has used the Christmas holidays to air old episodes of Adam-12, a show about two ordinary guys who were good cops. As the New Year approaches, with MSNBC boasting of Al Sharpton as one of their hosts, Comcast-NBC is one long way from celebrating the values of Adam-12. In fact, the network looks more and more every day like the home of the values portrayed in Birth of a Nation. Whether the end result of this progressive media alliance with racism was the revival of the murderous, racist Ku Klux Klan almost a century ago or the assassination of two New York City cops today, the end result is the same. And it’s disgusting.  The New York Times investigated the finances of MSNBC host Al Sharpton and his National Action network and found “$4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him and his for-profit businesses. Mr. Sharpton has regularly sidestepped the sorts of obligations most people see as inevitable, like taxes, rent and other bills,” and yet Sharpton “traveled first class and collected a sizable salary.” I have to wonder why Rev. Al Sharpton’s TV paycheck isn’t getting garnished to pay his tax debts? Why should Al Sharpton getting a pass from the IRS and the White House? (and the NYC Mayor!)

1. Why hasn't the IRS garnished Reverend Al Sharpton's MS/NBC pay for all his back taxes? Reports are that he owes more than 4 million dollars in back state and federal taxes.

2. And why does the Obama Administration continue to invite him to the White House for his advice while he has outstanding this reported (New York Times) tax debt? Why not make him pay up, and then invite him?
I have read article after article that “Crook Al Sharpton” owes lots and lots of back taxes, that means he owes you. And, to the extent he is not paying his taxes, you are picking up the tab. That’s right, you are paying for every racists hate speech he makes, every 1st calls airline flight he takes, every 5 star hotel he sleeps in, every fine dining  meal he eats, and every crazy ass march he puts together with a million confused thugaboos screaming “The Cops Must Die”. The IRS and state revenue divisions need to be garnishing his wages (like it does to any of us who owe taxes.) Yet, Sharpton gets paid a hefty salary at MS/NBC and the IRS and state revenue divisions can find MS/NBC. It is just not that hard.  Until he gets current in his debt to the taxpayer, he should not have "most favored nation" status with President Obama and the White House.

TAX EVASION: In a 1988 interview, Sharpton said he saw no reason why blacks should pay taxes. “If we do not have a justice system that protects us, what are we paying for?” Sharpton has faced multiple charges and one conviction of tax evasion.

Now, let’s take a look at the little thugaboo’s legacy after he Marched with Dr. King. It all started with:
TAWANA BRAWLY: 1987. Al Sharpton, during the infamous Tawana Brawley case, falsely accused a former assistant district attorney of raping and sodomizing Ms. Brawley. Young Tawana stated that white racists abducted, raped, and sodomized her, scrawling the initials “KKK” on her in human feces. A grand jury later found the entire incident a complete hoax. Most likely, Ms. Brawley, afraid of punishment for staying out too late, fabricated the entire story. This did not stop Reverend Al Sharpton, who accused Pagones an assistant district attorney, of the crime. “We stated openly that Steven Pagones did it. If we’re lying, sue us, so we can go into court with you and prove you did it. Sue us/sue us right now.”  Pagones did. After receiving death threats, and threats against his child, Pagones sued Sharpton and two others for defamation. A jury unanimously concluded that Sharpton defamed Pagones, ordering Sharpton to pay $65,000 to Pagones. The Reverend promptly announced his intention not to pay. A couple years later, Sharpton’s buddies passed the hat and paid off Sharpton’s debt, which totaled $87,000 with interest and penalties. To this day, never having paid one penny of his own to Pagones, Sharpton refuses to apologize, “I did what I believed. They are asking me to grovel. They want black children to say they forced a black man coming out of the hard-core ghetto to his knees. Once you begin bending, it’s ‘did you bend today?’ or ‘I missed the apology, say it again.’ Once you start compromising, you lose respect for yourself.

CENTRAL PARK JOGGER:  In 1989 “the jogger,” a young white woman, was monstrously raped and nearly beaten to death in Central Park.  Sharpton insisted despite the defendants’ confessions that her black attackers were innocent, modern-day Scottsboro Boys trapped in “a fit of racial hysteria.” Sharpton charged that the jogger’s boyfriend did it, and organized protests outside the courthouse, chanting, “The boyfriend did it!” and denouncing the victim as a white hooker! ” He brought Tawana Brawley to the trial, to show her “white justice” and arranged for her to meet the attackers. Sharpton appealed for a psychiatrist to examine the victim, generously saying, “It doesn’t even have to be a black psychiatrist. We’re not endorsing the damage to the girl if there was this damage.” (While it doesn’t excuse his calling the victim a HOOKER and denigrating any damage to her, or his accusations against the boyfriend, the convictions of the accused were eventually vacated, despite their taped confessions, after another man whose DNA matched confessed to the rape in 2002.

CROWN HEIGHTS/ “DIAMOND MERCHANTS”: In 1991, Gavin Cato, a seven-year-old black child was killed in a traffic accident in Crown Heights in Brooklyn, when a car driven by a Hasidic Jew went out of control. Sharpton turned it into a racial incident. Sharpton led 400 protesters through the Jewish section of Crown Heights, with one protester holding a sign that read, “The White Man Is the Devil.” There were four nights of rock- and bottle-throwing, and a young Talmudic scholar was surrounded by a mob shouting, “Kill the Jew” and stabbed to death. A hundred others were injured. Sharpton said, “The world will tell us that [Gavin Cato] was killed by accident. What type of city do we have that would allow politics to rise above the blood of innocent babies?  Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights. All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise. Pay for your deeds.” Later Sharpton said, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”

ARAFAT: When Sharpton announced a 2001 trip to the Middle East, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach helped plan his itinerary. Sharpton, according to the Rabbi, promised not to meet with Yassir Arafat, yet only days later, Jewish New Yorkers opened the morning paper to see a smiling Arafat and Sharpton, meeting and shaking hands in Israel. Furious, Rabbi Boteach said, “Prior to our recent trip to Israel, U.S. black leader Reverend Al Sharpton and I discussed several times that there were to be no meetings with Arab or Palestinian leaders, not because I wished to set preconditions for our travel, but because the express objective of our mission was to show solidarity with Israeli victims of terror. The idea was to provide a magnanimous gesture of friendship and solidarity with the Jewish nation that would hopefully have strong reverberations for the relationship of the Jewish and black communities back home.”

FREDDY’S FASHION MART/”WHITE INTERLOPER: 1995. A Jewish store owner in Harlem was accused of driving a black record store owner out of business, when the United House of Prayer, one of the largest black landlords on 125th Street, raised the rent on the Fashion Mart owned by a Jew, Freddy Harari, who then raised the rent on his subtenant, Sikhulu Shange, who ran a record store. At one of many rallies meant to scare the Jewish owner away, Sharpton said, “There is a systematic and methodical strategy to eliminate our people from doing business off 125th Street. I want to make it clear…that we will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.” Following a demonstration three months later, one of the protestors, a black man, stormed Freddy’s Fashion Mart with a pistol, screaming, “It’s on now! All blacks out!” In addition to shooting, he set fire to the building, eventually killing himself and seven others. Initially, Sharpton denied having spoken at any rallies. When tapes surfaced, he said, “What’s wrong with denouncing white interlopers?” Eventually, he apologized but only for saying “white,” not “interloper.”

CRIMINAL JUSTICE: During the “Million Man March” in Washington, civil rights “activist” Al Sharpton thundered, “O.J. is home, but Mumia Abu Jamal ain’t home. And we won’t stop till all of our people that need a chance in an awkward and unbalanced criminal justice system can come home.”

OUT OF THE KING MOVEMENT: Although he was 14 when Martin Luther King was assassinated, Sharpton claims he “came out of the King movement.” Sharpton once explained, “I was on some show this week, and people said, ‘Why don’t you just let it go? Why don’t y’all just get over it?’ Get over what? Get over Dr. King dying? Get over Medger Evers dying? Get over Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner dying? Get over those four girls in Birmingham dying? We are never gonna get over it, and we are never gonna let you forget it!”

FBI TAPES/COCAINE: In 2002, HBO aired a 19-year-old FBI surveillance of Sharpton with self-described mobster Michael Franzese and an undercover FBI agent posing as a Latin American businessman. The three were discussing promoting boxing matches and musical events. HBO’s “Real Sports” got a hold of a hidden camera video that shows undercover agent Victor Quintana posing as a drug dealer trying to convince Sharpton to play a middleman in a very big cocaine buy.

Sharpton asks the undercover agent, “What kind of time limit are we dealing with?”

“Coke?” the agent asks.

“Yeah.” Sharpton says.

The phony drug dealer says, “Could be about the same time we have 4 million coming to us.”

Sharpton: “End of April?”

“End of April. Six weeks from now. Is that a good time you think?” the agent asks.

“Probably,” Sharpton replies.
Later on, the undercover agent offers Sharpton a finder's fee for help with the drug deal and says to Sharpton, “I can get pure coke for about $35,000 a kilo, every kilogram we bring in, $3,500 to you. How does that sound?” Sharpton nods in response.  The deal never went down, and Sharpton has said he was just playing along because he was scared of the would-be kingpin. “And I'm in his office. I don't know whether this man is armed. I don't know what's going on. So I kind of say, ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah,’ to get out of there,” Sharpton claimed the tape was leaked by law enforcement officials to disrupt his 2004 presidential run, and he sued HBO, its parent company AOL Time Warner, and several individuals who worked on the story. No charges were ever brought against Sharpton because of the tape, which was allegedly made to get Sharpton to act as an informant for the feds into an investigation into corruption by Don King and the boxing industry. The HBO report featured former Mafia captain Michael Franzese saying that the FBI was on the right track when it targeted Sharpton in a sting back in 1983 to try and root out corruption in boxing.  Sharpton admitted in 1988 that he informed for the government in order “to get rid of drugs and election fraud” in black neighborhoods. He denied informing on civil rights leaders and organized crime figures.
FBI TAPES/DONATIONS: After Sharpton’s name surfaced on wiretaps in an unrelated Philadelphia City Hall corruption case, the FBI launched a probe into Sharpton’s fund-raising for his failed 2004 presidential run. The FBI secretly videotaped Sharpton on May 9, 2003, pocketing campaign donations from two “shady fund-raisers” in a NY City hotel room, and then demanding $25,000 more. The two fund-raisers were La-Van Hawkins and the late Ronald White. Hawkins is currently on trial in Philadelphia on corruption charges. White was going to be indicted, but died before charges were brought. A later wiretap recorded Hawkins telling White that they had raised more than $140,000 for Sharpton the previous quarter, but Hawkins was concerned that Sharpton had only reported about $50,000 to the Federal Election Commission, as required by law. Sharpton said the allegations were a “politically motivated smokescreen” to hide the fact the Justice Department is out to get him. He ripped the probe and the secret videotaping, saying, “Can you imagine what would happen if it was a white presidential candidate?”

How Sharpton gets paid to not cry ‘racism’ at corporations Cop supporters lash out at Sharpton for 'anti-police hate' Fixing New York City's public-safety crisis is all up to the mayor With cops laid to rest, Sharpton plans to restart protests Cleared of rape charges, Rubenstein slapped with lawsuit Want to influence a casino bid? Polish your corporate image? Not be labeled a racist? Then you need to pay Al Sharpton. For more than a decade, corporations have shelled out thousands of dollars in donations and consulting fees to Sharpton’s National Action Network. What they get in return is the reverend’s supposed sway in the black community or, more often, his silence. Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal met with the activist preacher after leaked emails showed her making racially charged comments about President Obama. Pascal was under siege after a suspected North Korean cyberattack pressured the studio to cancel its release of “The Interview,” which depicts the assassination of Dictator Kim Jong-un. Pascal and her team were said to be “shaking in their boots” and “afraid of the Rev,” The Post reported. No payments to NAN have been announced, but Sharpton and Pascal agreed to form a “working group” to focus on racial bias in Hollywood. A Modal Trigger and Sony exec Amy Pascal leaves her hotel after a meeting with Sharpton did not publicly assert his support for Pascal after the meeting what observers say seems like a typical Sharpton “shakedown” in the making. Pay him in cash or power, critics say, and you buy his support or silence. “Al Sharpton has enriched himself and NAN for years by threatening companies with bad publicity if they didn’t come to terms with him. Put simply, Sharpton specializes in shakedowns,” said Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal & Policy Center, a Virginia-based watchdog group that has produced a book on Sharpton. And Sharpton, who now boasts a close relationship with Obama and Mayor Bill de Blasio, is in a stronger negotiating position than ever. “Once Sharpton’s on board, he plays the race card all the way through,” said a source who has worked with the Harlem preacher. “He just keeps asking for more and more money.” Horse in the race One example of Sharpton’s playbook has emerged in tax filings and a state inspector general’s report. In 2008, Plainfield Asset Management, a Greenwich, Conn.-based hedge fund, made a $500,000 contribution to New York nonprofit Education Reform Now. That money was immediately funneled to the National Action Network. ‘Al Sharpton has enriched himself and NAN for years by threatening companies with bad publicity if they didn’t come to terms with him. Ken Boehm, National Legal and Policy Center chairman; the donation raised eyebrows. Although the money was ostensibly to support NAN’s efforts to bring “educational equality,” it also came at a time that Plainfield was trying to get a lucrative gambling deal in New York. Plainfield had a $250 million stake in Capital Play, a group trying to secure a license to run the coming racino at Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens. Capital Play employed a lobbyist named Charlie King, who also was the acting executive director of NAN. Sharpton has said that most of the Plainfield contribution went to pay King’s salary. King’s company, the Movement Group, was paid $243,586 by NAN in 2008, tax records show.

Harold Levy, a former New York City schools chancellor who was a managing director at Plainfield at the time, has denied the contribution was made to curry favor with Sharpton or anyone else. But a year later, as the battle for the racino license heated up, NAN raked in another $100,000 from representatives of the AEG consortium, which was the successor company to Capital Play. One AEG member emailed another in 2009 saying, “Sharpton lobbied [then-Gov. David Paterson] hard over the weekend on our behalf,” according to the state inspector general’s 2010 report on the corrupt racino licensing process. Harold Levy, a former Plainfield director, denied the company donated to NAN for Sharpton’s favor. Thomas Hinton In order to discredit SL Green, one of the rival bidders whose plan included a Hard Rock Hotel, an AEG executive sent another email outlining tactics to conscript local leaders to its cause “We are going to need it, and we are going to need Sharpton to piss on hard rock,” according to the undated email cited in the IG’s report. Sharpton denied he lobbied on behalf of AEG. The donations, meanwhile, came at an opportune time for Sharpton, as NAN was deep in debt to the IRS in 2008. It owed $1.3 million in unpaid federal, state and city payroll taxes including interest and penalties. AEG viewed its payments to Sharpton as more of an insurance policy so he wouldn’t scuttle its chances by criticizing the group, said a source familiar with the racino controversy. Cost of doing business. Sharpton raised $1 million for NAN at his 60th birthday bash in October, with donations rolling in from unions and a corporate roster of contributors including AT&T, McDonald’s, Verizon and Walmart. Companies have long gotten in line to pay Sharpton. Macy’s and Pfizer have forked over thousands to NAN, as have General Motors, American Honda and Chrysler. ‘We cannot be silent while African-Americans spend hard-earned dollars with a company that does not hire, promote or do business with us in a statistically significant manner. Sharpton in a 2003 email to Honda. NAN had repeatedly and without success asked GM for donations for six years beginning in August 2000, a GM spokesman told The Post. Then, in 2006, Sharpton threatened a boycott of GM over the planned closing of an African-American-owned dealership in The Bronx. He picketed outside GM’s Fifth Avenue headquarters. GM wrote checks to NAN for $5,000 in 2007 and another $5,000 in 2008. Sharpton targeted American Honda in 2003 for not hiring enough African-Americans in management positions. “We support those that support us,” Sharpton wrote to the company. “We cannot be silent while African-Americans spend hard-earned dollars with a company that does not hire, promote or do business with us in a statistically significant manner.” Two months later, car company leaders met with Sharpton, and Honda began to sponsor NAN’s events. The protests stopped.

Sharpton landed a gig as a $25,000-a-year adviser to Pepsi after he threatened a consumer boycott of the soda company in 1998, saying its ads did not portray African-Americans. He held the position until 2007. As for Sony, Sharpton denied that his meeting with Pascal resulted in a donation to NAN. “I have had no discussion with her about money,” Sharpton told The Post. “There was never even a remote discussion about money.” The bottom line is very clear; AL Sharpton is a crook, and he has even duped his own people, he has changed nothing. Tonight the thugaboos will continue kill each other just like they do every night in the ghettos of America, and Al Sharpton will sit back and promote it, hoping that another White on Black crime gets picked up by the media, so he can once again go out and stir the pot on the tax payers dime, and then go back into hiding like the coward that he is and count the IRS’s money that he continues to collect. Sharpton is nothing more than a common Thug. True Story ~ Donnie Bolena