Thursday, July 26, 2012


Throughout history, people have been persecuted for what they believe. In the constant struggle for power, it has been common practice for those in power to use force and cruelty to subdue those who oppose them. But of all religious faiths, none has been persecuted more than the Christian faith. As the handbook of Christianity, what does the Bible say about persecution? If you are a Christian suffering for your faith anywhere in the world today, how can you 1) believe God has allowed this persecution for your ultimate good and 2) respond to those who persecute you in a way that both pleases and honors God?

Could it be that God allows persecution for our ultimate good? That sounds like a radical concept, doesn't it? How could suffering be good?  When we suffer today for our faith in Christ, we are sharing in His suffering. Through it, we often become stronger and wiser. Additionally, those who do not yet believe will look at us and see the firmness of our faith. Our patient suffering may even draw them to believe. Know this: When God permits suffering of any kind, including persecution for our faith, it is always for our greater good.

Now, to the question? How are we different, this latest spark that is up rising between the Christians and the Gays takes me back to my collegiate days at Liberty University and reminiscing the words of the late great Dr. Jerry Falwell and the moral majority; however these days, we are most certainly witnessing the majority to be immoral.  We can thank “Barack Hussein Obama;” however his friends back in Chicago just call him “Barry” from the block.

Yep, Ole Barry got his “Same Sex Marriage” bill and his Obama Health Care Insurance Bill past and now the Liberals and the Queers believe they own America. Unbelievable?  As Conservatives we believe in a more Christian traditional view, siding with our founding fathers that we should keep government small and taxes low, and let the free market thrive, religious freedom ring, and the right to bear arms. But not the Liberals, they are on the other extreme, they believe the rich and successful should pay higher taxes, and everyone pay higher taxes in general, and in return the government gives you handouts. They believe in gay marriage and using tax dollars to perform abortions, to pay welfare to poor ethnic communities for not working.

Basically the Liberals want bigger government, higher taxes, government runs more of the peoples lives so in theory everyone is brought more towards the middle regardless of whether they are hard workers or lazy where as Conservatism stands with Chick-fil-A on the foundation of  traditional family values, small government, low taxes, strong defense.

Liberals believe that individuals are collectively responsible for the welfare of the entire community. Thus more programs to help the entire community means that higher taxes and bigger government is needed to oversee the programs.

* Pro-choice

* Equality

* Feminism

* Affirmative Action

* Gun Regulation

* Social Help

* Insurance that covers all

* Support welfare program

* Separation of church and state-No religion in schools

* Against the death penalty

* Regulated Market

Most Conservatives are believer in Jesus Christ as the only risen Son of God Almighty Himself. We believe (Yes, I am a Conservative, Christian, Heterosexual, Man) that individuals are responsible for themselves, and that the community benefits from the efforts of the individuals acting in their interests. Thus less governmental programs, less taxes, and less government is the goal.

* Pro-life

* Equality takes a back seat

* Patriarchal

* Believe there is reverse racism in affirmative action

* No Gun Regulation

* No social help

* No separation of church and state

* Religion in public schools

* Support the death penalty

* Free Market

Then we have the Liberal Christian. These are the so called Christians who make up their own rules and justify their abomination and sin by making statements like the Bible is not perfect, not everything in the Bible is true Jesus had sex, God had a wife, meaning basically they would not know Christ if he was standing right in front of them. They know who they are and so do we, most of all, so does the Lord, they are not fooling anyone except their own foolish self’s. Liberal" Christians generally follow some of the traditional practices and morals of Christianity, but generally reject the notion of the inerrancy of Scripture. As a result, their beliefs can be very diverse. Their emphasis on doctrine is sometimes light, but sometimes very academic.

"Emergent" Christians have adopted a "postmodern" mindset, seeking to synthesize what others regard as contradictory views. Generally, they believe that God is bringing all people and indeed the universe to himself, and that people need to join that effort however they can. The emergent/emerging church is in some ways a reaction against the lack of the supernatural in Liberal theology, and in some ways a reaction against the alleged reliance on human logic in conservative evangelicalism. "Progressive" Christians may also be "liberal" or "emergent", and they seek to overcome what they think are bad or sub-optimal traditions or practices.

 The liberal Christian's main concern is to live for God by participating in a moral church community, without an urgent need to understand the somewhat flawed but good Bible. The emergent Christian's main goal is to live for God by joining God's kingdom wherever they can find it, aside from the supposed futile task of exceeding the Bible. There are many variations and differences within these, and many of those who would identify as part of one of these might reject my broad strokes above. Nevertheless, they are useful distinctions, and I think the most important difference is in how they regard the Bible. If you have further questions about a specific area, practice, or belief, I could give my thoughts. So now here we are in the 21st century watching America fall by the waste side a little more each day.

For the first time in American History, The Liberals are encouraging the Queers to show up on the doorstep of every Chick-fil-A restaurant in America on August 3rd and make out. How tasteless is that, straight trailer park ghetto. However this is how the Liberals operate. They think in a very low level low educated frame of mind.  Does it not seem that the majority of the Liberals in America are indeed uneducated; they are poverty stricken, unemployed, queers, and thugs, who want the educated hard working conservatives to take care of them? I just watched a Jimmy Fallon special last night, the host did a duet with the President and in the Song the President point blank made a comment about taxing the rich? This is our President basically saying, that we have to take care of the people in the Ghetto who sell drugs, do drive by’s, and don’t work or pay taxes. I mean really? So I am going to be forced to take care of total strangers? The point isn't to change Chick-fil-A's minds or policies. That is almost certainly futile.

However, our freedom of speech is at risk here? Apparently the Christian Conservatives are not allowed to voice their opinions to the public or there will be consequences if we say something bad about the Liberals or the Queers? By the way, all that was said is “WE DO NOT SUPPORT “SAME SEX MARRIAFGE” how is that bad? However, I get it! The point is to demonstrate to all of us and indeed, other Christian companies, that there is serious opposition to Chick-fil-A's comments and activities.  The Liberals believe that If just one company is deterred in the future from donating $100K to National Organization for the good of a tradiitional Godly Marriage, it will a win for them and a day that the good hard working Christians in America will never get back. This act by the Queers against the Christians is being done Simply because a man of God took a stand for Christ. This my friends is the difference between the Liberals and the Conservative Christians.

One thing we discover about God right away is that His expressed will is sometimes the exact opposite of what we want to do. Jesus is known for His countercultural teaching. In Matthew chapter 5, He said this about how His disciples are to respond to persecution:  "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:43-44).  Imagine that! Just when you and I want revenge, God, in the person of Christ, tells us to love that enemy. How can we do it?

Doing the opposite of what comes naturally takes supernatural power. Where can we find that? The psalmist King David offers us a pattern in Psalm 143. When he knew the enemy sought him to kill him, David cried out to God. He wanted revenge!  "O LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous before you. The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me dwell in darkness like those long dead. So my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed. Rather than reacting in anger, David took time out to spend with God and reflect on His Word:

I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. I spread out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Selah."  David was honest with God, acknowledging his own weakness. Finally, once God's Spirit had overwhelmed him, David put his trust in God's perfect plan. Answer me quickly, O LORD; my spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me or I will be like those who go down to the pit. Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Rescue me from my enemies, O LORD, for I hide myself in you. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

For your name's sake, O LORD, preserve my life; in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble. In your unfailing love, silence my enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant.
Just as David trusted God for the outcome, that is how you and I are called to respond to biblical persecution. We must pray for our enemies, for they know not what they are doing. We also must trust God for the results because at this point we have no choice. My mom always says, on our knees, we are taller then tress. August 3rd will be a sad day for America; however, we as Christians must stand fast, stick together, pray hard, and allow God to take care of the rest. After all, He is the Reigning, Undisputed, Undefeated, Heavy Weight Champion, of the Universe. I am sure He will take care of this mess, and He will get the glory when it is all said and done ~ Donnie Bolena